A weakened immune system can contribute to colds, flu and disease and is often the result of a poor diet and stress.
Here are five signs and symptoms of a weak immune system.
1. Sugar Consumption
Those cookies you're consuming may seem irresistible and a fun afternoon boost, but consuming too much sugar is seen as a sign your
immune system may be out of whack, noted Prevention magazine.
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2. Dehydration
You are dehydrated and not taking in enough fluids. Drinking enough liquids is crucial to flushing out toxins that can keep you weak or sick, Prevention said. A tip to know that you're properly hydrated: your urine is a pale yellow.
3. Repeated cold, allergies and ongoing fatigue.
These are symptoms that your delicately balanced immune system is defiantly out of whack,
according to the website Diagnose-Me.com.
4. Swollen Lymph Glands
Swollen lymph glands are often signals that your
immune system is compromised, said DoctorMurray.com. Others are the appearance of chronic infections and also sores.
5. Long-Term Stress.
If you are dealing with emotional issues, are overworked and handling too much, your immunity may be compromised, Prevention said, noting that "it's no coincidence that you tend to catch a cold after a big work deadline." Neuropsychologist and author Rick Hanson told Prevention: "Stress triggers the release of the hormone cortisol, which can damage our brains and weaken our cardiovascular and immune systems over time."
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