Glaucoma, which is increased pressure in the eyes, has been nicknamed the "sneak thief of sight" because the loss of visual field often occurs gradually over a long time with no other symptoms, and may only be recognized when it is already quite advanced.
Having your eyes checked every two years is an excellent example of preventive medicine. Opticians, optometrists and ophthalmologists will routinely screen for glaucoma (easily) and can usually easily treat it as well. Both natural and prescription therapies are helpful.
For chronic glaucoma:
1. Take vitamin C powder (preferably buffered such as Perque or powdered Ester-C vitamin C) at a dose of 7,000-35,000 mg a day (divided through the day — less if uncomfortable diarrhea). A dose of about 250 mg per pound of body weight was shown to decrease eye pressure an average of 16 mm.
2. Mixed bioflavonoids 500-1,000 mg a day
3. Magnesium 200 mg a day
4. Chromium 100-250 mcg a day
5. Bilberry(25 percent extract) 80 mg 3 times day
6. Exercise
7. Fish oil or 3-4 servings of salmon or tuna a week
8. Avoid caffeine
If you have symptoms of inadequate adrenal function such as low blood pressures and irritability when hungry (low blood sugar), treat for the low thyroid if present. Recheck eye pressures after 6 to 12 weeks of treatment.
Your eye doctor has a host of reasonable medications that can lower pressure as well, and using these can also help protect your vision.