Political strategist and former Clinton adviser James Carville thinks it's time for President Barack Obama to . . . panic.
Following the results in two highly watched U.S. House elections Tuesday — a stunning upset with a Republican win in New York and and another GOP victory in Nevada — Carville says he can think of only one word of advice for the president: Panic.
"We are far past sending out talking points. Do not attempt to dumb it down. We cannot stand any more explanations. Have you talked to any Democratic senators lately? I have. It's pretty damn clear they are not happy campers.
"This is what I would say to President Barack Obama: The time has come to demand a plan of action that requires a complete change from the direction you are headed."
And then, Carville offers advice to the president in a
CNN column. Step 1: "Fire somebody. No — fire a lot of people."
Carville, in his usual no-nonsense approach, then compares Obama's situation with the Russian Army's 64th division at Stalingrad and to Ronald Reagan, George Bush, and Bill Clinton in 1994, when Clinton "fired many people . . . and took a lot of heat for it. Reagan fired most of his campaign staff in 1980. Republicans historically fired their own speaker, Newt Gingrich. Bush fired Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. For God's sake, why are we still looking at the same political and economic advisers that got us into this mess? It's not working."
He goes on to say that Obama's team of advisers, hard-working as they may be, aren't cutting it.
"It's time to show them the exit. Wake up — show us you are doing something."
Carville says the president needs to start investigating those on Wall Street who are "utterly ruining the economic fabric of our country. Demand from the attorney general a clear status of the state of investigation concerning these extraordinary injustices imposed upon the American people. I know Attorney General Eric Holder is a close friend of yours, but if his explanations aren't good, fire him too. Demand answers to why no one has been indicted."
Carville also insists that Obama is just not acting like a Democrat.
"While we are going along with the Republican austerity garbage, who is making the case against it? It's not the Democrats!
"We are allowing the over-educated, over-explanatory bureaucrat by the name of [Congresssional Budget Office Director Douglas] Elmendorf do all the talking. Do not let him make your case. Let us make your case. Is it any wonder that we were doing better in the middle of the stimulus-spending period than we are doing with the austerity program?"
Finally, Carville says Obama must stick to his own explanations and stop susggesting things are improving because, "evidently they are not."
"The course we are on is not working. The hour is late, and the need is great. Fire. Indict. Fight."