President Barack Obama's healthcare plan contains some shocking numbers: A supposed savings of $230 billion over the next decade -- which is achieved by boosting spending by $540 billion and
increasing taxes by $770 billion. "This is precisely what the Democrats are claiming as a virtue of Obamacare," writes syndicated
columnist Charles Krauthammer.
"This is a hell of a way to do deficit reduction: a radical increase in spending, topped by an even more radical increase in taxes," Krauthammer writes.
Krauthammer also says Obama's healthcare overhaul legislation was crafted to enbsure that it would result in a positive Congressional Budget Office calculation that would be acceptable to voters.
Krauthammer calls on Republicans to take action against Obamacare: "Explain the phony numbers, boring as the exercise may be. Better still, hold hearings and let the CBO director, whose integrity is beyond reproach, explain the numbers himself."