Nearly 3 out of 5 Americans give President Obama negative job ratings, according to The Harris Poll.
The actual tally is 58 percent negative and 42 percent positive, according to the May 10-17 poll, released Friday. It is almost unchanged from last month, when 59 percent ranked him negatively, and 41 percent, positively.
Harris pollsters noted that it is not surprising that 92 percent of Republicans chalk up negative rankings, but noted that 68 percent of independents and 25 percent of Democrats also do.
Although 77 percent say he’s a tough fighter for issues he believes in, and two-thirds believe he usually gets his own way, some also believe that he has piled his plate too high. Three in 5 say he tries to do too many things at once.
Public opinion is closely divided on whether he changes his mind too often: 44 percent say he doesn’t flip-flop, while 43 percent say he does.
The differences between Republicans and Democrats are smaller than one might expect, Harris analysts say. For example, 68 percent of Democrats and 66 percent of Republicans believe Obama usually is able to get Congress to support his policies.
One exception is notable: Almost 9 in 10 Democrats say Obama is a strong leader, compared with just 1 in 5 Republicans.