Florida Sen. Marco Rubio’s prospects for landing the Republican nomination for vice president are so good that it’s possible that one of the presidential candidates has already offered him the job, Florida political blogger Javier Manjarres tells Newsmax.TV.
The editor of Shark Tank said the chances that Rubio would be offered the No. 2 spot on the ticket were “100 percent.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s already been offered it by some of the candidates,” Manjarres said. “I know that several of the candidates like Michele Bachmann and Gov. Romney have been in touch with him and they’ve all expressed their delight with him in his rise to fame and power in … the Senate.
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“I think he’s the No. 1 choice for every single candidate out there maybe with the exception of Ron Paul. I think he’s the No. 1 choice. It would be a natural fit for anyone. Because … he can deliver Florida and whoever wins Florida wins the presidency.”
Manjarres said Rubio brings much to the game including his ability to give a speech and connect with people.
“He speaks from the heart. He’s not a typical politician. He’s going to speak from the heart, tell you how he feels. His message resonates with voters and people get him. People get Marco Rubio and that’s why I feel he’ll be the vice presidential choice if he decides to take it.”
Florida’s other Senate seat is held by Democrat Bill Nelson, who is up for reelection in 2012 However, so far the GOP field has been unable to get any traction. A poll by Ron Sachs Communications and Mason-Dixon Polling & Research shows Nelson handily defeating all comers. The only potential challenger who comes within 10 points in Rep. Allen West, R-Fla., who has said he is not running.
“It speaks volumes on who Allen West is. … Allen West has the name ID as Marco Rubio would have, has major name ID around the country,” Manjarres said. “(He’s a) popular candidate, tea party candidate, is able to raise unlimited funds for any race he decides to run.”
He said that because Republicans are not sold on the current slate of candidates and because of West’s attractiveness they think he might be a better fit.
Another major political event on the horizon in Florida is the American Conservative Union’s first regional Conservative Political Action Conference, CPAC FL. The Sept. 23 event in Orlando, which will be covered by Newsmax.TV, will feature a Florida U.S. Senate Republican primary straw poll and the attendance of national and state conservative leaders
Manjarres said the big question surrounding CPAC FL is who will show up. He said former Gov. Sarah Palin has yet to announce but all eyes will be on Rep. Michele Bachmann and Texas Gov. Rick Perry.
He also said that the GOP has a chance of flipping the House seat held by Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Manjarres noted reapportionment has to be taken into consideration.
“From what I understand, District 20 has overgrown it bounds and that the district will probably shrink,” he said. “If it shrinks it probably will cut off a lot of the liberal Democrat votes that Debbie Wasserman Schultz has received over the years. That said, it will make it a more competitive seat.”
He added that because Wasserman Schultz is President Barack Obama’s No. 1 cheerleader her fortunes will likely rise and fall with his in 2012. “If he goes down, she’ll go down,” he said.