The United States must reduce taxes and cut government spending in spur an economic recovery, McDonald's chief executive Jim Skinner told
Sky News in a television interview.
"In order to create jobs in America, you're going to have to do something with the tax. You have to cut taxes . . . particularly in the business community.
"We pay some of the highest [corporate] taxes around the world. There needs to be some leveling."
Asked about federal borrowing, Skinner told Sky News: "It's not a good story, that's for sure. The government has to spend less.
"We have to grow the economy, grow the GDP. And you have to be able to do it in an organic way and not through borrowings and increasing debt."
50% Unemployment, 90% Stock Market Drop, 100% Inflation. See the Evidence.
Skinner said McDonald’s customers need “more clarity” on issues, including healthcare, or the United States will continue to have a “fragile environment for consumer confidence."
McDonald’s is one of only a few big U.S. employers still hiring in significant numbers, Sky News observes, with more than 500,000 on its domestic payroll.