Bill O'Reilly of Fox News will interview President Barack Obama on Super Bowl Sunday, Feb, 6, before the network's NFL championship game broadcast,
the Wall Street Journal's Washington Wire political blog reports. The pre-game presidential interview, which has become a ritual of sorts for this White House, marks the first sit-down between O'Reilly and Obama since 2008.
Obama talked with NBC's Matt Lauer in 2009 and CBS's Katie Couric in 2010 prior to those networks' respective Super Bowl telecasts.
His upcoming visit with O'Reilly will likely be shorter, friendlier, more sports-oriented and less substantive than his last visit. Then-candidate Obama spoke with the conservative commentator about war, the economy and Rev. Jeremiah Wright, among other topics, for a string of interview segments that aired on "The O'Reilly Factor" in the fall of 2008.