Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin gave a thorough explanation of her foreign policy ideas, such as criticizing the Obama administration’s approach to Libya as “ill-defined,” in a speech Monday night at Colorado Christian University just outside Denver,
Politico reports.

Some of the ideas that the potential GOP candidate for president advanced sounded like the Powell Doctrine. “We should only commit our forces when clear and vital American interests are at stake — period,” Palin said. As for nation-building, it’s a “nice idea in theory” but should not be the driving force for U.S. foreign policy, she said.
A president must be able to articulate “clearly defined objectives” before military action, and “American soldiers must never be put under foreign command,” Palin said.
Sunday’s U.S. attack that killed Osama bin Laden was “an effective use of force,” Palin said, in contrast to the “ill-defined” mission in Libya.