Texas Gov. Rick Perry has tumbled among GOP primary voters and now trails business executive Herman Cain in the race for the nomination, according to the latest
IBOPE Zogby Poll.
Cain's campaign appears to have picked up steam after a win in Florida's Straw Poll this weekend, while Perry continues to suffer from lackluster performances in GOP debates, the most recent held last Thursday in Orlando.
Perry, at 18 percent, has tumbled by more than 20 percentage points over the past month, according to IBOPE Zogby numbers and is now second to Herman Cain, who leads the field with 28 percent.
Mitt Romney trails the others at number three, with 17 percent of the vote.
The poll, conducted Sept. 23-26 was done after Perry's performance last Thursday in the most recent debate, but was still in the field as Cain took the Straw Poll win in Florida. Cain was the choice of only 8 percent of the GOP voters a month ago.
The worst news came for Michele Bachmann, who took just 4 percent of the votes — down from 34 percent on June 30.