Ex-Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who is almost certain to run for president next year, has an important ally. Former President George H.W. Bush favors him as the GOP's 2012 presidential nominee,
The Hill reports.
Bush explained his views in an interview with CNN's Larry King Monday night. Asked who he likes best of the 2012 contenders, Bush said, "Well, I mentioned [my son] Jeb, but he’s not going to try. If you asked me, who will the nominee be, I couldn't tell you. We like Mitt Romney. We know him well and like him very much."
Showing his trademark humility, the elder Bush said, "Don't want to kill him off," when King asked if his support of Romney is "keeping with the Bush political stance [in] the middle of the road." Romney is a "reasonable guy" and "conservative fellow," Bush says.