Liberals may have criticized President George W. Bush mercilessly over the Iraq war, but they are letting President Barack Obama off the hook when it comes to Libya, says
Joe Scarborough, former Republican congressman from Florida who is now host of “Morning Joe” on CNBC.

“Bush has been damned by the ministers of the far left as a war criminal, a fascist and a Nazi when labeling his policies as overly ideological and deeply flawed would have sufficed,” Scarborough writes on
Politico. “For the American left, Bush had to be condemned as an immoral beast who killed women and children to get his bloody hands on Iraqi oil.”
But now America has invaded its third Muslim country in a decade. And how have liberals reacted? “The American left meekly went along,” Scarborough writes. “Without the slightest hint of irony, liberals defended the president’s indefensible position by returning again to a pose of moral certainty.”