Tea party activists are preparing to mount one last push to stop the Obamacare freight train, announcing a rally followed by a candlelight vigil in the nation's capital on the eve of the historic healthcare reform vote expected to occur on Sunday.
The Tea Party Patriots organization announced that Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, has obtained a permit for a rally near Capitol Hill on Saturday.
Among the scheduled speakers for the rally will be conservative actor Jon Voight and Dr. Milton Wolf, a second cousin of President Obama's who opposes the proposals that conservatives have coined as "Obamacare."
Tea party activists are expected once again to visit congressional offices on Saturday, making their views known to proposed changes to healthcare that would affect an estimated one-sixth of the U.S. economy.
Activists had a similar rally earlier in the week. But Saturday's event is designed to pressure lawmakers in the critical hours leading up to Sunday's scheduled vote.
Tea Party Patriots issued an e-mail advisory stating that citizens will "surround the Capitol by 12 noon on Sunday prior to the vote," adding: "Some are calling for the Republicans to walk out and stand with the people. This will be a powerful moment in the history of our nation."
Scores of tea-party related organizations — Tea Party Express, Tea Party Patriots, Tea Party WDC, American Grassroots Coalition, FreedomWorks, and Americans for Prosperity among them – have been sending out e-mail blasts to their members, notifying them of a code-red "Kill the Bill" rally to be held in the Nation's Capitol.
"We had a great rally this week in D.C. and people have overwhelmed us with their desire to do it again on Saturday," said Amy Kremer grass-roots coordinator for the Tea Party Express.
"You are the ordinary citizen, not a lobbyist or other special interest," stated the Tea Party Patriots' e-mail plea for citizens to make one last stand against healthcare reform. "They are elected to represent you. They need to be reminded one last time who you are and why you do not want this bill to pass."
Tea party activists say that after the Saturday rally and march on the halls of Congress, they will gather Saturday night and hold a candlelight vigil near the steps of the Capitol. They say they hope the events will set the tone for what is expected to be a decision vote on Obamacare on Sunday.