Texas Gov. Rick Perry is a long-time supporter of pro-life issues who, if elected president, would understand the important role the federal government could play in saving lives while at the same time empowering states to do their part, Texas Right to Life’s Elizabeth Graham tells Newsmax.TV.
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Graham, director of Texas’ oldest, largest, and only statewide pro-life organization, said in an exclusive interview that those who are pro-life on such issues as the funding of the abortion industry, abortion services on military bases, end of life, rationing of health care, and abortion stem cell research generally are supportive of the faith and morals of American voters.
“So it is very, very important to have a pro-life president who realizes that as a federal official he can in fact enact policies that protect lives without overstepping the states rights that also, at the same time he is enacting federal policies, he can empower the states to enact their own state policies,” she said.
“My understanding and experience with Gov. Perry is that he understands and recognizes the significance of the role of the president in protecting lives and also keeping the states empowered to do that.”
Graham has worked with Perry over the years and praised his willingness to clear obstacles, persuade, and move the ball down the field on behalf of protecting life.
“The governor has been supportive of the pro-life effort even before being elected lieutenant governor,” she said “He has been a staunch advocate, he attends pro-life events, he speaks at pro-life events, we have access to both him and his staff and he has been a very hands-on not only governor but lieutenant governor for the pro-life cause.”
Of the GOP presidential candidates, she said that former Sen. Rick Santorum was a “very strong pro-life advocate” and that Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, was also pro-life but couldn’t speak to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney’s commitment to the cause. Over the years, Romney’s position on abortion has shifted.
“I cannot speak to that; I’ve not had any personal interaction with Mitt Romney where I have had with Santorum, Gov. Perry and Congressman Ron Paul and even a little bit Newt Gingrich so I can’t speak to Mitt Romney,” she said.
“I hope that his convictions are sincere, of course we are always elated on anyone’s conversion and welcome anyone into the fold.”
However, she had no uncertainty about President Barack Obama and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. She described them as two of a kind when it comes to abortion, rabidly supporting the life-ending procedure and the industry that performs them.
“President Obama wants unrestricted, unmitigated abortion under any circumstance for any reason and his health care bill marks the largest expansion of abortion in our nation’s history and regrettably Nancy Pelosi is right there toeing the line for him,” she said.
“And so the fact that they want to continue to line the coffers of the most fatal, the most deadly, the most harmful agency in America is absolutely appalling and voters should respond according to rabid abortion extremists.
“We sometimes can say there are elected officials and people who are not comfortable with abortion but they are not comfortable saying they are prolife. So they might be in effect actually be pro-choice. I say that very cautiously. And then there are of course pro-life people. But Pelosi and President Obama are pro-abortion, there is no pro-choice about them. They are rabidly pro- abortion, they absolutely want no restrictions whatsoever and they welcome the abortion lobby into their offices and to help them shape public policy constantly.”