The actual numbers and nationalities of all the migrant caravans at or heading to the U.S. border is unknown. Separate from the caravans, thousands of foreign nationals seek illegal entry weekly.
These facts alone are of vital concern to most Americans. Thousands of foreign nationals illegally surging across the United States border is not what they voted for in November 2018.
No government official, no news reporter, nor non-government advocacy agency has precise data about the migrant caravan members. The numbers of migrants are too large and their identification too vague. From experience, the Border Patrol agents know many illegal migrants have more than one identity, plus criminal or terrorist backgrounds.
Radical immigration advocates ignore any and all questions about terrorists, human traffickers, drug traffickers, and an array of criminals entering the United States. The American news media has little or no interest in the backgrounds of the migrants, aiding the goal of the radical advocates for economic and political destabilization of the nation.
November 2018 saw an assault by several hundred foreign nationals on the U.S. Southern border at San Ysidro to illegally cross. A violation of 8 USC section 1325 — improper entry by an illegal alien.
In mid-January 2019, 376 Central Americans illegally tunneled into the United States near San Luis, Arizona, and surrendered to Border Patrol asking for asylum. There were 179 minors.
MS-13 and other criminal gang members who are under 18 years of age are apprehended for illegal entry into the United States and listed as unaccompanied minors. Therefore, they are required to be processed and released as quickly as possible. Once released they never report to Homeland Security Offices as required by their release terms. This release procedure is due to the Clinton-era court Flores Settlement Agreement (1997), the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (and as Amended), and Obama-era rules and executive orders that have created gapping loopholes in the immigration law.
In Utah county, Utah, January 2019, hundreds of miles from the Southern border, an alien, previously deported eight times, was arrested with $850,000 in drugs — 2.35 pounds of cocaine, and 16.7 pounds of methamphetamine.
According to the Arizona Republic of January 16, 2019, in 2018 the remains of 127 dead migrants were recovered in Southern Arizona. Open-border advocates assert that because of increased border enforcement, illegal aliens are using very dangerous routes to avoid the Border Patrol capture. U.S. immigration law is at fault.
The El Paso (TX) Times reported on January 18, 2019 that the Border Patrol working in New Mexico apprehended 115 illegal aliens in one day, and the day before apprehended 247 illegal aliens. The latter group, according to the Border Patrol was a diversion for the drug smugglers.
Wilbur Martinez-Guzman, 19 years old, was reportedly arrested on January 19, 2019, in Carson City, Nevada, on various criminal charges including illegal entry into the U.S. He is allegedly linked to 4 Nevada homicides.
The United States Congress has been flirting with comprehensive immigration reform and legislation for many years. There is no major immigration legislation in the foreseeable future due to the present-day polarization of political opinion.
Immigration and Federal judges over the years made and do make nuanced exceptions to asylum, refugee, and all other immigration laws. This leads to a hodge-podge of administrative, legal, and semi-legal immigration interpretations that makes a mockery of a rational immigration administration. Now, Federal and Immigration judges, along with bureaucrats, act as a legislature.
What is U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi going to do about illegal aliens surging the Southern border?
American voters are watching the Washington reality or the lack thereof.
Many Americans are now reassessing their votes of November 2018.
James H. Walsh was associate general counsel with the U.S. Department of Justice Immigration and Naturalization Service from 1983 to 1994. Read more reports from James Walsh — Click Here Now.