The Religion of Over-Compliance and Over-Reliance


By Tuesday, 18 January 2022 08:39 AM EST ET Current | Bio | Archive

The following is written by a non-clinician.

A new dominant religion exists in America beyond traditional Christianity.

This new religion is blind trust and faith in government. Religious trust in government has become the new normal for too many.

Government is a religion. The etymological roots of religion are Middle English, from the Anglo-French religius and the Latin religious and religio. The Latin verb religare means to “re-bind.”

The Latin noun religio referring to obligation, bond, or reverence is likely based on religare, so religio and its English derivation religion connote a “re-binding.”

Post-pandemic Biden-era Americans find themselves inextricably re-bound to a New Deal type of invasive controlling bigger government.

Inflation costs are nearing 7%, with 30% increases in energy as Biden steers our great American ship further on to the rocks. Nevertheless, the compliant ones hypnotized by mainstream propaganda remain wide-eyed automatons. They beg for more mandates and lockdowns to address our newest COVID variant that has already been reduced to the same weakened profile as influenza.

We’re on the dole. Millions of proud Americans who never accepted government help took PPP, EDD, rent deferment and other forms of welfare to survive the overarching American state.

Our newest pandemic protectionism propagated by our government was foisted upon us through a message of care and love. Those caring and loving us are deemed trustworthy.

In reality, government does not love and is untrustworthy. Alexander Hamilton in Federalist Papers No. 25, p. 164 knew that Americans trusted “We the People” more than government leaders: “The people are commonly most in danger when the means of injuring their rights are in the possession of those [toward] whom they entertain the least suspicion.”

Trust of “We The People” over power brokers created, at the 1787 Constitutional Convention, a search to answer one central question: How can we structure an effective government and protect people’s freedom and unalienable rights? This question must keep being asked in any era irrespective of any crisis.

It is not easy for post-2021 Americans to know who to trust at present. Even our high courts are suspect with Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor getting Four Pinocchio’s for making a ‘wildly incorrect’ COVID claim stating: “Those numbers show that omicron is as deadly and causes as much serious disease in the unvaccinated as delta did. … We have over 100,000 children, which we’ve never had before, in serious condition and many on ventilators,” A number vastly overstated for possibly political reasons, just as OSHA mandates hold American’s “freedom to work” in the crosshairs.

Observe further the growing tyranny in New York, California and other blue states. In an outright deconstruction of American tradition, there the state is becoming God. Our disappearing rights must be restored. The leading metropolitan areas must be rebuked, discredited and ignored.

It’s time to awaken from the trance. Government is a vehicle of control, not love.

From the Faustian government bargain remains the selling of the American soul. This is the essence of weakness, the nanny state, and the growing soft-socialism, soft-fascism and hard communism. It’s radically un-American. It brings childlike abdication of personal awareness and responsibility.

Backed by a post-Trump leftist hysteria-based groupthink, cancel and consequence culture are existential threats. The unfaithful are thrown out of the pack to die. This ostracism is immature, deliberate and anathema to Americanism.

World history clearly shows that once government expands power, it reluctantly if ever seeks to return it.

Former Obama White House Machiavelli and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel expressed the quiet strategy part out loud with his “Never let a good crisis go to waste” maxim. The crisis can be a war, economic downturn or degrading law and civil order.

The power-grab responses are restrictions on guns, speech and the press. “The State” then becomes the new religion.

Yet we need not be resigned to accepting some un-American “new normal.” We constitutionalist, traditional, faithful Americans know our “American Dream” is our God-given right. Our unknown, untapped potential successes are ours and our Maker’s to determine.

Everything can change. Real religion is the Divine offering its mystical comfort in the midst of inherent dynamic uncertainty of individual lives. Our divine rights supersede the jurisdiction of any government or other man to ultimately administer.

Government as religion destroys freedom. Two great apostles of the new compliance religion are our former national leading states.

New Yorkers and Californians see their freedoms decimated under a barrage of new laws frequently defying common sense. New information constantly pours out about natural immunity and vaccine ineffectiveness.

Coastal leaders respond with more rather than fewer vaccine mandates. Draconian tyrannical new laws include forced flu shots for students, vaccine databases and eliminating parental consent for vaccines.

Religious exemptions get squashed. Brainwashed faithful lapdogs are getting unauthorized 4th and 5th COVID shots. Many in our own elite military forces and professional athletes across the globe are protesting vaccination injury risks while others, like Djokovic, have been publicly paraded COVID detention like prisoners. Life insurance firms are reporting a spike of over 100,000 deaths a month beyond COVID.

Maybe it’s time to slow down and let the science settle.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed 770 new laws last year designed to keep the faithful on their obedient path. As California collapses, COVID compliance increases and civil society decreases.

The new laws preserve government control, not freedom. As California burns, Newsom requires gender-neutral toy sections. Restaurants are prohibited from handing out single-use silverware or condiments without request.

Californians can now legally eat roadkill. Permanent mail-in ballots help rig future elections.

New York and California’s time for leading America has passed. No care or love exists in blue states. They, in the words of Alexander Hamilton, are where the “most danger exists to injure the people’s rights.” America in 2022 must follow Texas and Florida to return to constitutional real America.

Our Founders developed the system that would block monarchical dictatorial rule. That system was explicitly based on God and individual rights he gave.

That system still works. There is no need to replace our real God with the pain and suffering brought by the godless government and their God complex.

Host of ''Unapologetic with Judd Dunning'' on KABC AM790 and on YouTube and Co-Host of "BulletPointNation" with Fox’s Michael Loftus, Judd Dunning is a political author, host, pundit and producer. Judd is also both a Newsmax Regular Guest Commentator, and just authored his new Humanix/Newsmax Book "13 1/2 Reasons Why NOT To Be A Liberal: And How to Enlighten Others." — More Here.

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A new dominant religion exists in America beyond traditional Christianity. This new religion is blind trust and faith in government.
Tuesday, 18 January 2022 08:39 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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