For decades upon decades, the United States has acted as a global judge, seeking justice.
Our country has helped nations build countries: Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and many others, come to mind. However, frequently, the U.S. sees little to no benefit coupled with appreciable harm (injuries, deaths) incurred by our military.
We stayed 20 years too long in war-torn countries such as Afghanistan. Later we relied upon (even used) false information as justification for the failed war in Iraq.
Yet, we continue to fund governments of the developing world solely so they can act on reliance whenever they experience the slightest conflict or threat.
The Russia-Ukraine conflict is different.
While our nation’s leaders have been able to somewhat justify our chances in the Russian region, to the American people, specifically regarding nation-building and other interventionist superpoweracts, our involvement in this conflict would be the first of its scale since World War II.
Fighting back against a superpower has not been done since we and the allied powers overseas fought the Nazis and Imperialist Japan.
This intervention would necessitate unbridled funding, and specifically, an influx of military funding and soldiers unlike we've ever seen.
Like any endeavor undertaken on a grand scale, cost-benefit analyses need to be done and applied.
In short order, it becomes undeniable that the costs far outweigh any benefits that we would coonceivably gain from involving ourselves in a war.
A conflict having nothing to do with us.
A healthy dose of fear on our part tells us this will fail.
Concurrently, we find ourselves amidst the tenure of a failed presidency.
Inflation is high; the last meaningful foreign policy decision our president made resulted in engendering a foreign policy debacle, one with Americans being left behind in a war-torn Afghanistan.
Additionally, we still suffer from economic impacts that COVID-19 mandates left us.
So, is Joe Biden looking to get involved in yet another conflict because nothing is more popular than a wartime president?
A last-ditch effort to subsequently put our military and well-being at risk for the sake of going to war to help establish a sense of bravado in nation's 46th commander-in-chief is now the most dangerous possible risk our country faces.
Absent genuine provocation toward the U.S., it's feared that involvement will lead to nothing but bloodshed. Apparently, to some, this doesn't matter.
In Congress, those such as Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo. are already salivating out of greedy mouths — at the thought of benefiting the military-industrial complex; maintaining a selfish mindset, one envisioning the idea of a strong superpower flexing its muscles, and doing so without taking the needed time to reflect upon the negative impacts this will most surely have on our men and women in uniform.
For once, let's please prioritize American interests.
The time is now to prioritize how our economy and policies directly affecting Americans can be changed and remedied to help our people, and do so before we even attempt to fathom getting into yet another needless war.
Let America look in the mirror; let's examine our problems and have an analytical outlook on how another interventionist mindset may negatively impact ourselves and our fellow citizens.
Let's not make Ukraine our fight. Period.
Kenny Cody is a conservative writer and activist from Northeast Tennessee. Read Kenny Cody's Reports — More Here.