We Need Protection From Terrorism AND Intrusion on Privacy Rights

By Friday, 07 June 2013 11:55 AM EDT ET Current | Bio | Archive

The famous conservative Republican lawyer, and former solicitor general under President George W. Bush, Ted Olson, and I sat next to each other while we watched, in real time, the conduct of the most highly classified and secret anti-terrorist program being conducted by the United States: The “Terrorist Surveillance Program” or TSP, as it became known, after it was first disclosed in the New York Times in December 2005.
There we were, in the bowels of the National Security Agency (NSA), guarded by security personnel, sworn to secrecy at the highest level of classified status in the U.S. government. I felt great trepidation. I worried that I would be witnessing a gross violation of civil liberties and the inherent constitutional right of every American to be protected from government eavesdropping and intrusion on privacy rights. 
We were there because we were members of a five-member Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board appointed personally by President George W. Bush after an extended period of background checks and intelligence agency and FBI reviews. The Board was created on the recommendation of the 9/11 Commission and enacted by congress as part of the Intelligence Reform Act of 2004. 
The five of us on this Board were civilians, not part of the government, and were people of different political stripes — left, right and center. But we agreed on one principle: common skepticism about an overly intrusive and powerful government intruding on privacy rights and civil liberties of American citizens. This is the truly purple sweet spot between Tea Party conservatives and civil liberties liberals.
I watched and talked to the people doing the work under this “Terrorist Surveillance Program” as they were working in real time — many of them young people in their 20s and 30s — doing their job. And then . . . I found my trepidation heightened, but for the opposite reason of what I had first felt.
I cannot reveal what I saw or what they were doing, to this day, under the laws of classification and secrecy to which I am still bound. But I can say this: By the time I was done, after hours of watching them doing their work, my trepidation was that the rules they were required to follow, the checks and balances to avoid even getting close to the line where privacy rights of Americans might be compromised, might have gone too far — might have caused us to miss catching another 9/11 terrorist plot before it happened again.
In the days following this experience, however, it appeared to many of us that one thing needed to be fixed: the TSP and other anti-terrorist programs needed a more solid legal and constitutional foundation. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (“FISA) was first enacted in 1978 and, therefore, before there was the Internet or word “server” was more than a waiter in a restaurant.
Finally, in 2007, unfortunately too many years after the fact of the TSP, Congress began the process of modernizing the FISA, to strengthen the FISA court’s oversight, to raise its standards of review before allowing anti-terrorist surveillance and intercepts, requiring greater oversight by Congress and, ultimately, responsibility by the president to supervise the Justice Department and to be personally aware of all that was going on in the name of stopping terrorism.
I was reminded of those mixed emotions and conflicting principles of privacy rights vs. protection from terrorists last night when I first learned about the breaking news and in the last several weeks about extensive government interceptions of telephone records and Internet transmission — from Verizon telephone records to last night’s breaking news about the so-called PRISM program — collecting Internet data directly from the major Internet Service Providers, such as Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, PalTalk, AOL, YouTube, and Apple. 
We need to fear this program and these efforts and the danger they represent to our privacy rights. We need to speak out, as many (including this writer), against poor judgment exercised by law enforcement officials in the name of stopping government leaks, such as the awful judgment to name James Rosen, a reporter doing his job, as a co-conspirator in violation of the Espionage Act. 
But on the other hand — and there is another hand, despite the absolutist, sanctimonious voices I heard last night on television, speaking as if there is only one value, privacy rights, to be considered here — we also need protection from the murderers and sociopaths who celebrate death rather than life and were responsible for 9/11 and the Boston Marathon murders.
The solution is not, and will never be, perfect. But as Abraham Lincoln noted when he suspended habeas corpus briefly during the Civil War, “the Constitution is not a suicide pact.”
We need — we can have — a government that protects our civil liberties and privacy rights and protects our families from evil terrorists.
We must have both.
Lanny Davis is the principal in the Washington, D.C., law firm of Lanny J. Davis & Associates, which specializes in strategic crisis management. He served as President Clinton’s Special Counsel in 1996-1998. Read more reports from Lanny Davis — Click Here Now.

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The famous conservative Republican lawyer, and former solicitor general under President George W. Bush, Ted Olson, and I sat next to each other while we watched, in real time, the conduct of the most highly classified and secret anti-terrorist program being conducted by the United States.
Friday, 07 June 2013 11:55 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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