Optimistic evidence abounds indicating a grassroots groundswell rejection of progressive authoritarian encroachments on fundamental civil liberties.
We are witnessing clear signs of this growing trend within broad population segments that transcend homogenous partisan alignments ... that vast majority of Americans who simply value freedoms and opportunities to pursue independent goals and to guide their children's intellectual and moral development.
The "Let's Go Brandon" Wave
The rising waves of sarcastically irreverent "Let's Go Brandon" chants at college football games and other large sporting events reflect a particularly notable sea change of negative reaction to central government overreach among young adults.
According to a national October 2021 Trafalgar Group survey of 1,000 likely 2022 midterm election voters, 57.7% realized that the catchphrase is derisive code for "F*** Joe Biden," and that 76% of those who did, believed the slogan to be an appropriate way to protest the Biden administration.
In any case, the three-word vituperation has gone viral. It can be found emblazoned across T-shirts, coffee mugs and even billboards. A "Let's go Brandon!" hip-hop song hit the top of the charts on iTunes, and when banned on sites like YouTube and Instagram as spreading "harmful false information," efforts to bar people from listening to the song only fueled the interest.
Many liberal legacy media talking heads and writing hands shrilly denounced the slogan as well. CNN political analyst Joe Lockhart compared it to coded rhetoric from Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan and ISIS.
It seems, however, that the public trending cares less and less what CNN and others say, with viewership of that network tanking by 90% since Biden took office, and a recent NBC News poll indicating 71% of Americans believing the U.S. is on a wrong track.
According to a RealClearPolitics poll, Biden's overall approval among likely voters has dramatically declined over the past year from 55% to 44%, and a YouGov tracking poll showed that it hemorrhaged even more among those under 30 ... from 57% to 32% since January 2021.
Biden support from voters aged 30 to 44 suffered a steady decline as well, falling from a 62% peak last spring to a recent 39%.
The Truckers' Rolling Freedom Movement
A Canadian "Freedom Convoy" trucker protest in opposition to COVID-19 vaccine mandates has gained remarkable popular grassroots momentum in confronting government civil liberties encroachments on both sides of our U.S. northern border.
Although Canada's 1982 Charter of Rights and Freedoms— a part of its constitution — theoretically protects civil rights, government policies and actions under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau demonstrate draconian violations following decades of progressive ideological judiciary drifts.
After all, the virulence of the virus is waning, natural immunity is up, and by the prime minister's own estimates, some 90% of Canadian truck drivers are vaccinated and are protesting over liberty principles.
The convoy, which originally set out in western Canada, has blocked several land crossings with the United States including the busiest, the Ambassador Bridge, for nearly a week, which connects to Detroit. About 400 truck rigs, joined by thousands of demonstrators, have also turned streets around the Ottawa Parliament into a blocked-off party zone for weeks.
Polls indicate that a majority of predominantly politically liberal Canadians are sympathetic to the truckers' mission, namely to end unwarranted COVID-19 restrictions and mandates that they believe go beyond the proper power of the state.
Rather than respond to driver arguments, Trudeau denounced them for spreading "hateful rhetoric," claimed the protesters hold "unacceptable views," and invoked emergency police powers to quell dissent.
Crackdown actions have included court orders to freeze many millions of dollars of private GoFundMe and GiveSendGo crowdfunding donation accounts, along with government threats of imposing stiff protester fines, canceling commercial driver's licenses, and impounding vehicles.
The Canadian truckers' protest of government overreach — COVID vaccine mandates most particularly — has reverberated beyond its borders with similar convoys organically occurring in France, New Zealand, the Netherlands, and yes, the United States as well.
Beginning this month, a U.S. "People's Convoy" is planned to hit roads leading from Barstow, California, across the nation eastward along a nearly 2,600-mile route scheduled to arrive in Washington, D.C., on March 5th.
As stated by the organizers on their web page, "Our brothers and sisters of the highway succeeded in opening Canadians' eyes about the unconstitutional mandates and hardships forced onto their people." They urge: "Now it's time for the citizens of the United States of America to unite and demand restoration of our constitutional rights."
Parents Revoke Woke in Schools
Democrats in traditional deep blue states and cities are beginning to get angry political woke-up calls from outraged parents demanding that K-12 curricula focus on quality education rather than progressive indoctrination.
That message was communicated loud and clear by Virginia voters who gifted Republican Glenn Youngkin with a startling upset defeat over Democrat gubernatorial opponent Terry McAuliffe in a state President Joe Biden easily won by 10 points.
McAuliffe, a former governor, had made a heavy mistake in lightly dismissing nationally media-featured Loudoun County parent and teacher protests of divisive critical race theory (CRT) and anti-patriotic and inappropriately age-and-sexually-explicit materials being taught in the Commonwealth's K-12 public schools.
During a campaign debate, McAuliffe said: "I don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach."
A parental earthquake also recently rattled San Francisco, causing a political landslide ousting of three uber-progressive school board members, all by more than 70% negative margins.
This, after all, is a city where Republicans make up only 6% of its registered voters, and more than 85% of voters backed Joe Biden in November 2020.
Parents and other voters had apparently tired of woke school district obsessions including seeking to rename 44 schools with allegedly sexist or racist appellations such as George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein.
The school board also pushed to abolish merit exams and grade point considerations for admission to its high nationally ranked Lowell High School where Asians make up more than half of the student population.
One of the recalled board members had accused Asians of using "white supremacist thinking."
If this return to some semblance of sanity can occur in San Francisco and Virginia, maybe there truly is good reason for hope everywhere beginning with a resounding 2022 midterm radical rout.
Larry Bell is an endowed professor of space architecture at the University of Houston where he founded Sasakawa International Center for Space Architecture and the graduate space architecture program. His latest of 11 books, "Beyond Flagpoles and Footprints: Pioneering the Space Frontier" co-authored with Buzz Aldrin (2021), is available on Amazon along with all others. Read Larry Bell's Reports — More Here.