Despite no winning mandate with a razor-thin House majority and a split Senate with a vice president vote tie-breaker, Biden’s first hundred days can be summarized by one maxim, “eviscerate and reverse everything Trump did.”
Since taking office, Biden has issued a record of more than 60 executive orders and directives to advance the most progressive left-wing agenda in history — one involving a massive expansion of inflationary federal spending and government control over our lives.
No less than Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, D-N.Y., cheered that Biden has
"definitely exceeded expectations that progressives had."
Unmasked Covid Claims
President Biden clearly lacked any spirit of unity or charity when he took credit for COVID-19 vaccinations of 220 million Americans during his first hundred days in office without ever mentioning his predecessor’s Project Warp Speed program which made that possible.
Back last September, the media, including The New York Times, had been quick to buy into then-Democratic presidential nominee Biden's charge that Trump was simply "playing politics" with the crisis, by offering confidence that a safe and effective vaccine would be made available before the 2020 election.
Never mind that by Jan. 15, a week before Trump left office, 10.6 million Americans — including Joe Biden on Dec. 21 — had already been treated with two vaccines that had been developed, tested and approved in record time with a distribution system in place.
Kitchen Sink Spending
If passed by the Senate, less than 10% of Joe Biden’s exclusively Democratic-sponsored $2.3 trillion "infrastructure" proposal, aka, the Green New Deal, that includes everything that they can cram in — including the kitchen sink — will actually go to improve America’s physical roadway and airport transportation systems.
The plan follows the same spending frenzy that produced the $2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act of which, again, less than 10% goes for pandemic recovery.
On top of that, President Biden now also proposes a $1.8 trillion "American Families Plan," adding to a total $6 trillion and counting of smothering new Democratic spending.
And this doesn’t include the regular federal budget of more than $4 trillion yearly.
Green New Energy Debacle
On his first day in the Oval Office, President Biden capped off the Keystone XL pipeline at the Canadian border along with about 11,000 jobs and 830,000 barrels of oil per day it would have delivered.
That same day, he placed moratoriums on oil and gas drilling on federal lands and waters.
Since Election Day, average U.S. gas prices have skyrocketed 18% by 50 cents per gallon, and crude oil prices have jumped nearly 50%. Inflationary impacts of profligate government spending and rising transportation costs are already being felt by consumers through rising prices of bread, milk, cheese and other staples.
Meanwhile, the Biden administration’s curtailment of Trump-era American fossil-fueled energy independence in exchange for unrealistic reliance on anemic and intermittent wind and solar alternatives will turn our nation’s record $3.1 trillion 2020 deficit and $28 trillion national debt even deeper red.
Systemic Race Baiting
Joe Biden, an old white guy who once palled around with Congressional Democratic Party segregationists, who opposed school integration which he characterized as "racial jungles" — and as Kamala Harris famously pointed out, was against bussing — has recently become a tribal Warrior in Chief against “systemic racism.”
In the Biden era, just about everything is now racist: requiring that all voters be required to identify themselves is now a dark lingering vestige of "Jim Crow"; as is a Senate 60-vote filibuster rule which is all that stands between the Democratic Party’s full control of virtually all legislation over many future generations.
Inexplicably, both he and Obama had championed very different positions in 2005, when the two of them, along with 22 other Democratic Senators, staged an unsuccessful filibuster attempt to block the Supreme Court appointment of Justice Samuel Alito.
Woke Reeducation Camps
President Joe Biden inked an executive order that abolishes Trump’s 1776 Commission which introduced patriotic American history in public schools as an antidote to toxic New York Times 1619 Project teaching of America as a systemically racist nation.
His administration’s Department of Education has proposed a rule that endorses this abhorrent fiction which is being introduced into thousands of classrooms that asserts that American capitalism is forever rooted in plantation slavery of the pre-Civil War South.
Joe Biden also rescinded a Trump executive order that prohibited “critical race theory” training for federal agencies and contractors about evils of "white privilege" and "white fragility."
This neo-Marxist systemic racist mantra is the anthesis of the true American heritage which views members of shared communities as embodiments of both common and uniquely distinct strengths, challenges and priorities.
Biden’s Border Bungles
Not mentioned during his April 29 address to Congress was Biden’s most singular and spectacular achievement, his more than 100,000 invited undocumented immigrants who were apprehended just a month after the Biden-Harris administration took power. This was the highest total for that month in 12 years.
Nor was there any discussion regarding the tens of thousands of children who are being warehoused in crowded, COVID-infested facilities before being dispersed nationwide to a neighborhood near you.
These events began to occur immediately after taking office when Biden signed an executive order to end Trump's nearly 500 miles of new wall construction; reestablished Obama's "catch-and-release" policy; terminated Trump’s Migrant Protection Protocols which kept migrants in Mexico as they awaited political asylum hearings; and exempted unaccompanied children from Trump’s Title 42 Coronavirus protection policy allowing Border Patrol agents to turn back illegal crossers.
Lawful Disorder
Then-candidate Biden was conspicuously absent last summer in not condemning horrific mob scenes of burning and looting in many major Democratic-controlled cities as then-senator and vice president candidate Harris supported a free bailout program that released violent perpetrators.
Both continue to evidence no appetite to address escalating urban crime problems which will inevitably spread to suburban communities.
Meanwhile — amid far-left calls for police defunding and skyrocketing crime rates —President Biden is pushing for sweeping gun regulations to restrict personal means for self-defense under the slippery-slope pretense of banning "assault weapons" which are defined to include virtually anything they deem the term to mean.
And the assault defense weapon they most urgently wish to ban is our Constitution.
Larry Bell is an endowed professor of space architecture at the University of Houston where he founded Sasakawa International Center for Space Architecture and the graduate space architecture program. His latest of 10 books, "What Makes Humans Truly Exceptional," (2021) is available on Amazon along with all others. Read Larry Bell's Reports — More Here.