Our just completed McLaughlin & Associates October National Poll of 1,000 likely voters, conducted between Oct. 14 -18, included a series of questions written by Newsmax’s Dick Morris on a series of issues like critical race theory, Afghanistan, and the economy.
In response to these answers, we found that President Joseph Biden’s radical ideology is on the wrong side of American public opinion.
But what do these numbers mean for Democrats nationally? Let’s take a look.
When presented the following options, “Which of the following opinions comes closer to your own? 1. (Some/Other) parents have protested against public school curriculums that teach Critical Race Theory and focus on diversity in sexual orientation. OR, 2. (Other/Some) parents say that these are important topics that deserve to be taught in schools.”:
- 53% of those who answered identified with parents who have protested against public school curriculums that teach Critical Race Theory and focus on diversity in sexual orientation,
- 47% identify with parents who say that these are important topics that deserve to be taught in schools.
When asked, "President Biden has urged the FBI to investigate some of the parents who have protested vigorously about Critical Race Theory curriculum at school board meetings. He has said that they may be domestic terrorists. Do you agree or disagree that these parents should be investigated?”:
- 52% disagreed with President Biden urging the FBI to investigate some parents who protested vigorously about Critical Race Theory at school board meetings,
- Only 35% agreed with Biden.
When presented with the following options, “Which of the following opinions comes closer to your own? 1. (Some/Other) people say that President Biden’s weakness in Afghanistan is emboldening China and making them think they can act militarily against Taiwan without fear of retaliation by the United States. OR, 2. (Other/Some) people say China knows that President Biden will stand firm for Taiwan.”:
- 53% say that President Biden’s weakness in Afghanistan is emboldening China and making them think they can act militarily against Taiwan without fear of retaliation by the United States,
- Only 24% say that China knows that President Biden will stand firm for Taiwan.
When asked, “Do you agree or disagree that President Biden is trying to get Congress to spend too much money?”:
- 61% agreed that President Biden is trying to get Congress to spend too much money,
- Only 33% disagreed.
When asked, “Do you agree or disagree that President Biden is stimulating inflation by spending so much money?”
- 60% agreed that President Biden is stimulating inflation by spending so much money,
- Only 30% disagreed.
These figures make it clear that voters think Biden is spending too much and exacerbating the top economic problem of inflation.
When asked whether or not people agree with the following criticism, “Some people have criticized the president for his inability to get his programs passed by Congress even though he has a majority in both houses.”:
- 52% agreed with the criticism of President Biden,
- 32% disagreed.
Clearly these numbers spell trouble for the president. But, as he’s now banking on passing trillions more in spending and taxes to revive his public opinion ratings, the economic reality appears more likely that it will sink his and the Democrats ratings even further.
We predict that if President Biden and Democrats pass trillions more in wasteful spending, mandates and taxes, before November 2, they could sink Democrats like Terry McAuliffe seeking the gubernatorial victory in Virginia, as well as local Democrats across America.
John McLaughlin has worked professionally as a strategic consultant and pollster for over 35 years. Jim McLaughlin is a nationally recognized public opinion expert, strategic consultant and political strategist who has helped to elect a U.S. President, Prime Ministers, a Senate Majority Leader, and a Speaker of the House. Read John and Jim McLaughlin's Reports — More Here.