We’ve been saying it for months, but now most other polls – even usually biased liberal media polls – show President Joe Biden and the Democrats are in big, big trouble with American voters.
Recent elections in Virginia, New Jersey and New York have proven McLaughlin and Associates right regarding the Democratic agenda’s popularity. (We only wish the midterm elections and 2024 were tomorrow.)
Now, we have even more proof our assumption of the left's standing amongst Americans was correct.
The recently released McLaughlin & Associates’ November National Poll of 1,000 likely voters, conducted between November 11-16, shows that more American likely voters now say that the country is on the wrong track, the economy is getting worse, and they are really worried about the country’s future. Plus, the majority thinks that President Biden needs to be tested for cognitive health issues.
While this is sad for the country, it is really good for the GOP 2022 election prospects.
Since May, our monthly polls featured in our Newsmax blog have been tracking Joe Biden and the Democrats’ public opinion decline. To that end, what was once a steady erosion has become an implosion for the Democratic party.
But this month, with the worst Biden-Democratic results to date, we must wonder if Biden and the Democrats are even willing to do anything to reverse their declining poll fortunes.
President Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Speaker Pelosi, D-Calif., and Senate Leader Chuck Schumer, D-.N.Y., seem intent on doubling down on their failed, unpopular policies.
According to our November poll, the number of likely voters who say the country is headed in the right direction has fallen to only 35%. Sixty-two percent say we’re on the wrong track. Except for the beginning of the pandemic, this is the worst trend rating since Barack Obama was president.
The majority of American likely voters, 55%, say the economy is in recession. Only 38% say we are not in recession.
Nearly two-thirds, 62%, say that the economy is getting worse. Only 31% say the economy is getting better.
Except for March and April of last year with the economic shutdown due to the pandemic, these are the most pessimistic and disturbing results we have seen to date.
The optimism that President Donald J. Trump had left the country with the economic recovery at the end of 2020 is gone. Likely voters now say the economy is in bad shape and getting worse.
Ironically, the majority of likely voters, 54%, now favor smaller government with fewer services. Only 33% want larger government with many services.
But, still, Joe Biden and the Democrats want to give the American people big government socialism. Nevertheless, 62% of the likely voters say they prefer free market capitalism and only 16% prefer big government socialism.
To that extent, 36% of likely voters say that the top issues concerning them are economic issues. Sixteen percent say that reducing inflation is the single most important issue.
Joe Biden and the Democrats want to spend trillions more, no doubt exacerbating inflationary issues.
Shutting down the federal government to limit debt is about to become very popular.
The aforementioned trends have been disastrous for President Biden’s public opinion support levels.
Biden’s job approval has dropped, again, to only 42% among those polled. Fifty-six percent of likely voters now disapprove.
This is a net decline of -31 points since April through November. Twenty-one percent of Biden 2020 voters, 19% of Democrats, 53% of moderates, 20% of African Americans and 51% of Hispanics now disapprove of the job President Biden is doing; his own base is collapsing.
The collapse has also eroded Biden’s overall favorable rating. The majority, 55%, now dislikes Biden, only 44% are favorable to him. The intensity is fierce among those who dislike him with 43% being very unfavorable to Biden and only 25% very favorable to him. That is a very bad sign for voter turnout for the Democrats.
Nearly six-in-10 likely voters , 59%, now say that they are worried about the future of America with Biden as President.
That figure includes 28% of Biden 2020 voters, 29% of Democrats, 37% of African Americans and 58% of Hispanic voters.
When have Americans ever been worried about our future because of our president?
Furthermore, only 43% of all likely voters say that Biden is competent, 52% say he is incompetent.
Stunningly, six-in-10 likely voters think Joe Biden should take a cognitive health test and release it publicly. Only 33% said that the commander-in-chief shouldn’t do that.
On Friday, our blog will breakdown how Biden's dismal job performance is impacting midterms, Congress, 2024, and more.
To read our full M&A November National Poll, please click here.
John McLaughlin has worked professionally as a strategic consultant and pollster for over 35 years. Jim McLaughlin is a nationally recognized public opinion expert, strategic consultant and political strategist who has helped to elect a U.S. President, Prime Ministers, a Senate Majority Leader, and a Speaker of the House. Read John and Jim McLaughlin's Reports — More Here.