To listen to the protestors in the streets or the self-anointed media elites on MSNBC or CNN, you’d think President Donald Trump was the second coming of Adolf Hitler.
On many levels (including the facts of history) nothing could be farther from the truth.
So what motivates Donald Trump to be in the White House? It’s certainly not the money. He has plenty of that, and his family was financially set long before he ran for president.
It’s definitely not fame. He’s one of the most famous, media-centered businessmen in all of American history. It’s certainly not political correctness or approval from intellectual or media types. He’s the absolute antithesis of that, which is precisely why so many millions love him.
Could it be the desire to be called a "racist," a "sexual predator," a "moron," a "tyrant" (even before he assumed office), a "Nazi" — just to name a few of the desperate leftist buzzwords?
Or, to have his very young son insulted and attacked by self-righteous windbags?
Nobody could want that. And nobody ever called him any of those things (or targeted his little boy) until he stood nose-to-nose with Hillary Clinton and her band of thugs.
When you ask career politicians what motivates them, they will most often, with great reverence, intone "public service." As we have learned, the great majority of them don’t mean it. (In one possible exception, the Bushes probably meant it, but that was part of their problem: They weren’t tough enough to stand up to their many enemies and opponents.)
Then there are people like the Clintons. They claim to care about public service even as it becomes more and more obvious that they care only about power, wealth, and pull.
Decades from now, when you look up "career politician" in the dictionary, you’ll find a picture of either Bill or Hillary Clinton.
Clearly, Donald Trump is none of these things.
He already has power. And wealth. And pull.
The only thing that could possibly motivate Donald Trump to want to be president is that he actually means what he says. And we’re about to find out just how true that is.
Does sincerity automatically make someone right? Of course not.
I think President Trump is right about many things, but not everything. But he’s right about enough things that I genuinely hope he accomplishes much of what he promises to accomplish: massive spending cuts, significant federal deregulation, significant tax cuts, and a total annihilation of our evil enemies, most notably ISIS.
I believe that Donald Trump is, indeed, in this for himself. Why? Because if you truly love America, then "yourself" and your country are one and the same thing.
It’s not like that with career politicians. They claim to only care about the country. Then, decade after decade, their actions reveal that they only care about their own power and their own pet interests. That in itself might not make them evil, but lying about it certainly does.
If Donald Trump is ever caught lying about something, or is ever shown to be insincere about his beliefs, then he will be finished in the most immediate way imaginable. Social media is loaded with commentary attesting to the incredibly high number of times Obama mentioned himself in his farewell address, in contrast to how few times Donald Trump mentioned himself in his Inaugural Address.
This tells you a lot.
It doesn’t tell you that Donald Trump is selfless. Nobody worthwhile is selfless.
People like the Obamas would have been nowhere without the fawning media and the hysterical lost souls who think they need a president to take care of them.
Being called the leader of a band of fools is no compliment.
Donald Trump has enough of a self to actually care about the country of which he does not need to be the president. Contrast this with Hillary Clinton. There’s little or no graciousness in her defeat.
How could there be? She didn’t just want the presidency; she needed it.
She is quite literally lost without the only thing that gave meaning to her life. It’s hard to be gracious when you have nothing left.
Long before he even thought of running for president, Donald Trump earned and possessed everything that Hillary Clinton ever wanted. And that’s precisely why we need someone like him now.
President Trump loves America, and he appeals to Americans who love America. The phonies, careerists, and their smarmy media toadies will never, ever understand that.
Michael J. Hurd, Ph.D., LCSW is a psychotherapist and author with a private practice in coastal Delaware. He is the author of “Bad Therapy, Good Therapy (and How to Tell the Difference).” For more of his reports, Go Here Now.