This past week we commemorated the feats of American ingenuity and the testament to the spirit of our nation’s ideals as we reflected on the Apollo 11 Mission and lunar landing.
Some 50 years after those inspiring events, we witnessed how far we have fallen as the media once again manufactured a hysteria around the Mueller testimony.
On Saturday, I watched in awe as those historic moments dashed across my television screen as they did in 1969. Those brave men instilled a pride and vision in America’s leaders and people as they risked it all to do the unimaginable.
President John F. Kennedy set the goal in motion and never lived to see the lunar landing. At the time I was a very young man. I was deeply affected by Kennedy's speeches and by the race to the moon. And now I look at where we are today.
It is unbelievable how far we have regressed since those days.
When you compare the Democratic candidates and where they would lead this country to Kennedy, a man who loved America, it illustrates the degeneracy of the left.
The radical Democrats would call him a white supremacist if he were in office today.
Just last week President Trump honored Apollo astronaut Buzz Aldrin at the White House and instead of praising this momentous occasion, the leftists attacked the president and Aldrin for even attending.
Here we are today living in a world devoid of inspiration. Do any corporations inspire us anymore? No. Can you name a CEO who inspires you? They all look like they are just greedy, looking to cash in as fast as they can.
Can you name a politician who inspires you and what he or she has said that you carry with you as a saying? Can you name one saying that anyone has said to you in our time that you carry with you as an inspired thought to keep you moving?
Because man is a mental creature, never forget that, but we live in a fallen age and the vermin in the media glorify not the people of the mind, but the people of the body.
So therefore, all we see are abs, breasts, and buttocks.
Every day you open up another newspaper, and you don’t see people of the mind, you don't see ideas and thoughts, other than the hatred of the left. They are the only thoughts that seem to matter. When have you last seen the scrawny kid who has a great idea?
Have you seen the homely girl who has a great idea put out by the tabloid media?
No, the media embraces the lowest of society and ignores the brilliant minds of our time.
We need exaltation in the media. We don't need depression and talking about Mueller, Trump, and Comey on a daily basis.
Do you find that to be inspiring?
It is only a charade.
A charade to distract you from the reality that once again politicians are filled with empty promises and the media will continue to twist the truth to the point that truth will be unrecognizable.
Where are the the Neil Armstrongs, the John F. Kennedy’s and the men and women who still have vision and ideals in America today? They exist, but sadly, are ignored.
A National Radio Hall of Fame recipient, Savage has hosted his radio show for over 25 years and launched The Savage Nation Podcast in January of 2019 with one of the most successful podcast debuts. With millions of listeners, The Savage Nation is one of the top programs in America, broadcasting on more than 200 stations nationwide. A prolific New York Times best-selling author, Dr. Savage has been profiled in Playboy and The New Yorker, and he has been awarded the Freedom of Speech Award by Talkers magazine. He received his PhD in epidemiology and nutrition sciences from the University of California at Berkeley. To read more of his reports — Click Here Now.