The newly released
"ObamaCare Survival Guide" just hit the #2 spot on The New York Times list and has received several key endorsements.
Dick Morris, the famous political analyst and best-selling author, recently urged his readers to get a copy of the
"ObamaCare Survival Guide."
Dick Morris said: “If you really want to find out how Obamacare affects you, your family, your business, there is just one book to read – The
'ObamaCare Survival Guide' by Nick Tate. It reveals the shocking impact of this radical plan.”
Dick Morris adds: The
"Obamacare Survival Guide" explains, in detail, how to preserve your healthcare in this new environment. How to choose a plan from the health exchanges?
“What to do if your employer cancels your coverage? When are you entitled to a subsidy?
“How can you get the care you need despite Medicare restrictions? And everything else.
“It is not political or partisan. It doesn't discuss fairness.
“It is a practical guide to how to survive this new health care law. You must get it to protect your family.”
To get your copy of the "ObamaCare Survival Guide" for just $4.95 with the special offer –save over $10 –
Go Here Now
Watch Dick Morris’ special video commentary about Obamacare and the new "ObamaCare Survival Guide." This is not to be missed!