Why should Donald Trump debate his Republican opponents?
He is 30 points ahead and all but one of his opponents are in single digits?
Ronna McDaniel, the Republican National Committee (RNC) head, is scheduling a debate on Aug. 23.
Trump should boycott the debate.
A Republican debate without Trump would be like one hand clapping!
And specifically, why should Trump agree to a debate sponsored by Fox News?
That’s like going into the lions’ den. Rupert Murdoch is a sworn enemy of Trump and shows it every day in Fox News’ biased coverage of his campaign — or non-coverage.
Trump should demand:
1.) No debates sponsored by Fox,CNN, or MSNBC.
2.) No press or pundit or media panel. Don’t let this become a debate between Trump and Megyn Kelly like in 2016 or between Trump and Chris Wallace as in 2020. These guys should butt out of the debates. Just the candidates, a timekeeper, and a stopwatch.
3.) Twelve candidates is too much for a debate. Just invite the top five in the polls. Trump, DeSantis, and the top three of the rest of the field.
4.) And say no to Chair McDaniel’s pretentious and ridiculous pre conditions for participating in the debate: Guaranteeing to back the GOP candidate in 24 and not participating in any debate the RNC doesn’t sponsor. Who died and left Ronna in charge?
Its no debate without Trump and he should refuse to debate under McDaniel’s rules.
Dick Morris is a former presidential adviser and political strategist. He is a regular contributor to Newsmax TV. Read Dick Morris' Reports — More Here.