"Baseless," "Bogus," "Unsubstantiated," "No evidence."
Hate Trump, Inc.’s collective thesaurus is working day and night to convince America that Election Day could not have been cleaner. Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe says of President Donald J. Trump’s vote-fraud-related recounts and litigation, "there is nothing in his arguments and no evidence to back them."
Trump’s critics would be equally dismissive if security cameras had captured vote counters in "I love Biden" T-shirts burning pro-Trump ballots and feeding pro-Biden ballots through the tabulation machines 10 times each while singing CSNY’s "Teach Your Children."
Fortunately, legally admissible evidence of vote fraud need not be so vivid.
Republican National Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel told Fox Business Network’s Maria Bartiromo that the RNC has collected 12,000 incident reports of election-related irregularities and malfeasance.
What might constitute even stronger evidence are the 400 affidavits submitted by eyewitnesses in swing states whose vote results are in dispute. These affiants have placed their observations on paper, from the fishy to the fraudulent.
And, crucially, they have sworn that their statements are true, signed these documents, and notarized them — all under penalty of perjury and potential imprisonment.
"Affidavits are routinely accepted as evidence in federal courts," said former Justice Department election-integrity official J. Christian Adams, Esq. This is particularly true when affiants offer to bolster their affidavits through courtroom testimony.
Through online copies of legal filings and a priceless new website called HereIsTheEvidence.com, the internet now features relevant affidavits that are ready for inspection by those who scream, "No evidence!"
●"I personally witnessed two people handing multiple unopened mail in ballot envelopes to two other people who then opened and filled out the ballots against the side of the Biden/Harris van," said one Nevada affidavit. The name of the affiant, an employee of the Clark County Election Department, was redacted. "The same two people who marked the ballots then put the marked ballots in official pink and white envelopes. These people were not poll workers."
Soon, the affiant swore, "there were 5 or 6 additional people who formed a human wall, which moved as I walked by, apparently in an attempt to block my view of the four people who were opening envelopes, marking ballots, and placing those ballots in the pink and white return envelopes."
●"On Tuesday, November 3, 2020 approximately 4:00 to 5:30 p.m." John C. Palmer III recalled, "I watched 10 or more vehicles with out-of-state license plates drive up to the loading dock areas. I remember seeing Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri, Virgina [sic] etc." Palmer was "a volunteer observer" stationed just outside Detroit’s Department of Elections Building.
"I was shocked to see that the ballot machines were controlled by these individuals and not Michigan and/or Detroit residents," Palmer continued. "Many of these out-of-state people carried boxes with Dominion written on them from their vehicles."
●"At approximately 4:03 a.m. a poll worker announced that 50 boxes of ballots were coming in. Election workers loudly cheered this announcement," Republican challenger Articia Bomer swore. She was stationed at Detroit’s TCF Center, where plenty seemed amiss. Especially in the wee small hours after Election Day — Michigan’s most pivotal tabulation facility resembled a crime scene.
●"Large quantities of ballots were delivered to the TCF Center in what appeared to be mail bins with open tops,” poll challenger Daniel Gustafson affirmed. "These ballot bins and containers did not have lids, were not sealed, and did not have the capability of having a metal seal. The ballot bins were not marked or identified in any way to indicate their source of origin."
●"On Wednesday, November 4, 2020, Detroit election officials told us that they were going to process military ballots last,” challenger Robert Cushman observed. "I was surprised to see numerous new boxes of ballots arrive at the TCF Center in the evening. I first noticed these boxes in the distribution area after many of the military ballots had been distributed and processed. I estimate these boxes contained several thousand new ballots when they appeared."
●Challenger Andrew Sitto swore that he saw this: "At approximately 4:30 a.m., on November 4, 2020, the man in his 50s got on the microphone and stated that another shipment of absentee ballots would be arriving and would have to be counted." The 50-something was one of “two men in charge of the counting," Sitto wrote. "I heard other challengers say that several vehicles with out-of-state license plates pulled up to the TCF Center a little before 4:30 a.m. and unloaded boxes of ballots. At approximately 4:30 a.m., tens of thousands of ballots were brought in and placed on eight long tables. Unlike the other ballots, these boxes were brought in from the rear of the room." Sitto added: "I specifically noticed that every ballot I observed was cast for Joe Biden."
● "At approximately 4:50 a.m. I witnessed a man spraying a chemical on a ballot counting machine. He then placed twenty-seven ballots into the machine and I noticed tape on the top of the ballot where a ballot number normally would be," Articia Bomer wrote. "Throughout the night I witnessed him insert these same 27 ballots at least five times."
The two Republican commissioners on Wayne County’s Board of Canvassers weighed this skullduggery, and more, and voted not to certify the election. According to Monica Palmer’s affidavit, "I determined that 134 Absent Voter Counting Boards did not balance and many had no explanation to why they did not balance" the numbers of physical ballots with corresponding registered voters.
Palmer instantly was slammed with public attacks.
"The comments made accusations of racism and threatened me and members of my family." GOP member William C. Hartmann’s affidavit reflected that he and Palmer were "berated and ridiculed" and accused of being "racially motivated." Hartmann added: "This public ostracism continued for hours . . . "
Despite this Democratic bullying, Palmer and Hartmann were assuaged with promises of a post-certification audit. So, the GOP commissioners reconsidered, joined the two Democrats, and certified the results.
But wait: The Republicans recanted.
Democrats reneged on their audit pledge. So, the Republicans decided Wednesday to un-bless Wayne County’s votes.
This figuratively yanks the blinders from the windows at Detroit's TCF Center, where pieces of cardboard literally were used to scuttle transparency and sabotage GOP poll challengers. "I want to testify that all main floor windows to the counting room were covered the entire time I was there (approximately 11 am to 8 pm)," Laura Lee Luke swore in her affidavit.
Starting with Wayne County, Michigan, every contested county and state demands not just a recount but a full forensic audit. This moment requires a powerful kick of every rock beneath which the vote fraudsters slither.
Deroy Murdock is a Manhattan-based Fox News Contributor, a contributing editor with National Review Online, and a senior fellow with the London Center for Policy Research. Read Deroy Murdock's Reports — More Here.