When Stalin died in 1953, I was 25 years of age. The creators of the society in which I, and later my wife and our son, was living, considered themselves sages. On the other hand, I and other free spirits viewed Marx as a stupid, fat German hack, Lenin as a Russian idiot, and Stalin as a Georgian mass murderer.
It would be ridiculous to expect that intelligent people in Russia, a country of great literature and other arts and of sophisticated science and technology, would not see through childish make-believes that the crude slavery throughout the country was the greatest attainment of mankind.
I remember the spring of 1941, when Hitler’s army crossed the Russian border. I also remember the day when quite a few writers in Russia, including my father, volunteered to stop a column of Nazi motorcyclists, equipped with machine guns, approaching Moscow. The Russian volunteers did not survive the attack, but Hitler’s onslaught on Moscow was cut short, and the enemy did not enter the city.
The names of my father and other writers who were killed while stopping the advance of Nazi’s armed motorcyclists have been set in gold on a marble memorial plaque in the entrance hall to the Moscow Writers’ Club.
Russia was the world’s only country that followed (in the autumn of 1917) the idiotism of the brain of Karl Marx. How did that happen?
The First World War was over, the Russian army was exhausted, and the prospect of being drawn into another war conflict was psychologically destructive. The soldiers wanted to go home.
The last Russian tsar was “overthrown,” since too few Russians understood how it was possible for Great Britain to develop its democracy while preserving their king and queen.
In the aftermath of World War II, Stalin refused to give up the territories of the East-European countries as well as the Eastern part of Germany he had occupied during the war. Stalin turned them into slave countries having established his “Soviet” dominance, which surpassed Hitler’s Germany in being the most vicious and anti-Democratic regime of the time.
It took decades for those European countries and the disintegration of the so-called “Soviet Union” to free themselves and get back their independence.
The most important political background of today’s Russia is its rulers’ fear of China. The Chinese just walk into Siberia and settle there, building their homes and opening businesses, and local authorities do not have the willingness or financial resources to prevent them.
The old Russian fear of the medieval “Tatar-Mongol” invasion of Russia (the use of the word “Chinese” was avoided by the Soviet propaganda) was joyfully forgotten.
This fear of the Chinese invasion is well justified. Post-Soviet era Russian “leaders” are trying to maintain good neighborly relations with China — it is out of this fear that they are trying to placate communist China by helping it to develop recent technologies, selling to China military equipment, and overlooking Chinese illegal settlers in Russian Siberia: all this to keep at bay the much-dreaded threat from the totalitarian communist dictators.
The China subject is being widely discussed in the independent Russian press, and the present Russian leaders must realize that by selling military technologies to China they contribute to China’s military potential and just delay the much-dreaded confrontation.
The present rulers, or owners, of Russia may not believe in the successful defense against the “People’s Republic of China.” But what about Russia as a junior ally of the PRC?
Russian “leaders” realize that no European country will be able to resist the China-Russia alliance. Whereupon the remaining countries of the Eastern hemisphere will be crushed by China, Russia, and whatever other countries will join the alliance.
That’s quite a feasible threat from the China-Russia alliance to the Western hemisphere: the United States, Canada, and South America.
Hypothetically, or rather quite realistically, it is this China-Russia alliance that will make communist China the owner of the world.
Yes, against the general background of history of the world, the free countries are miracles — the societies to live in and listen to music written by composers of genius and performed by musicians of genius, to read what has been written by thinkers and writers of genius, and so on. And just think of it — all this can be lost.
And the vital need of freedom can be lost: Many countries live without freedom.
The “Soviet government” promised to create such an abundance of all goods and services that they would be given free of charge to whoever wanted to have them.
But the harsh reality has proved to be so much harder than the dreams of a fat German called Karl Marx and that the owners of other slave countries are as far from reality as it turned out to be in Soviet Russia.
Lev Navrozov can be reached at levnavrozov@gmail.com.