InfoWars founder Alex Jones left his defamation trial in protest Wednesday, according to his attorney.
Jones fled Connecticut on a private jet to head back to Texas, leaving his trial seeking damages for defamation from families of 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting victims, the Washington Examiner reported.
Jones was due to testify Wednesday, but had planned to plead the Fifth Amendment right to remain silent, according to the report.
"Not because I'm guilty, but because she [the judge] says if I tell the truth, she'll put me in the Waterbury jail for six months," Jones said at a news conference Tuesday. "That's what she can do."
Now, Jones has "chosen to boycott" the trial, according to Jones' lawyer Norm Pattis.
Judge Barbara Bellis informed the jury that deliberations will begin Thursday, where it will determine the amount of damages Jones will have to pay.
The plaintiffs include families of eight Sandy Hook shooting victims, school employees, and an FBI agent who was on the scene in 2012.