Immigrants seeking admission to the United States should be required to take an ideological test to make sure they support the Constitution, former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy says.
"If we want to win the crucial ideological component of radical Islam's war against us, we should be empowering these pro-Western Muslims rather than inviting the sharia-supremacist Muslim Brotherhood into our policy-making councils," McCarthy writes in a column for National Review.
"Like protecting our nation, empowering pro-Western Muslims requires an immigration system that welcomes those who will support our Constitution, and turns away those who would sweep it aside."
McCarthy, who served as an assistant United States attorney for the Southern District of New York, adds:
"Imagine an American government official, interviewing an alien seeking admission to our country from, say, Syria: U.S. official: 'Will you support the United States Constitution?' Syrian alien: 'Well, sure, except that I believe the government should be overseen by a caliph, who must be Muslim and male, and who must rule in accordance with Islamic law, which no man-made law may contradict.'''