Conservative iconoclast Ann Coulter will rile the left with her latest book, “Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America,” according to, which compiled 10 ideas from the book it says will blow liberals’ minds.
“The Democrats’ playbook doesn’t involve heads on pikes — as yet — but uses a more insidious means to incite the mob,” she writes in
the first chapter, published exclusively at “The twisting of truth, stirring of passions, demonizing of opponents, and relying on propagandistic images in lieu of ideas — these are the earmarks of a mob leader.”
One of the ideas the book advances that is expected to stir liberals’ anger is the notion that liberals are against science. “Democrats don’t merely want to block scientific progress, they want to stop scientific progress, they want to roll it back . . . Indeed, the only way to get liberals interested in novel scientific research is to propose going after human embryos,” she wrote, referring to stem-cell research.
Coulter also insists that Republicans historically have championed civil rights, while Democrats created the Ku Klux Klan. The Klan’s original purpose was “to terrorize Republicans, but later switch[ed] to terrorize blacks,” Coulter contends. “It was Democratic juries that acquitted Klansman after Klansman. It was Democratic politicians who supported segregation, Democratic governors who called out the National Guard to stop desegregation, Democratic commissioners of public safety who turned police dogs and water hoses on civil rights protesters.”
In an incredibly bold move sure to court loads of controversy, Coulter challenges the leftist take on the Kent State University killings of four students by the Ohio Army National Guard in 1970. She points to new research that shows “the guardsmen were fired upon first.” She continues: “A mob cannot be calmly reasoned with: It can only be smashed. When faced with a move, civilized society’s motto should be: Overreact!”