A satirical video from the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence blames toddlers for problems with gun safety.
"America's got a real problem. It's time we did something," the video's announcer says, over images of news headlines of people dying as a result of children using guns.
"We need to lock them up. Not the guns—that's just un-American. The toddlers. Round them up. Deport them. Get them out of our country. And keep them away from our guns."
"This PSA is satire. But the public health crisis it calls attention to is anything but," according to Brady Campaign president Dan Gross in The Washington Post.
An Associated Press/USA Today study showed that minors died from accidental shootings at the rate of one every other day.
The study found that states in the Deep South, such as Alabama, Louisiana, Tennessee, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Georgia had some of the highest rates of accidental shootings that involve minors.
The glut of firearms makes it too easy for children and others to get their hands on firearms, Gross said.
"Whether the trigger is pulled by a toddler, a convicted felon, a domestic abuser, or terrorist, we have a problem in America with guns too easily falling into the wrong hands," Gross said.
Gross called on the moderator of the third presidential debate, Chris Wallace, to address guns with the candidates. He posted the request on Twitter:
However, Fox News released Wallace's list of debate topics, and gun issues were not among them.