Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, founder and President of American Islamic Forum for Democracy, is calling for the U.S. to provide refuge to Pakistani Christian Asia Bibi, who served nine years in prison for blasphemy.
Jasser told L.A. Biz that “the Trump administration has an opportunity to not only do what's right and humane for Asia Bibi, but change the immigration narrative.”
According to the British Pakistani Christian Association, the United Kingdom will not offer Asia Bibi asylum.
"The UK is too spineless in its policies against Islamists," Jasser said, "give Asia Bibi and her family asylum now from the torrent of Islamist mobs!"
He adds that The Spectator’s Ben Sixsmith noted that the British government has been reluctant to help.
"If the British government is too weak to offer Bibi a safe haven, America should,” Jasser said. "It would be a valuable demonstration that, for all President Donald Trump's toughness on immigration, America can still be a sanctuary to those fleeing religious persecution."