Big tech's abuse of market power has permitted it to not only destroy their competition but also to silence conservatives, according to The Federalist Publisher Ben Domenech
"This is obviously a collusive action on the part of these incredibly powerful entities who are seeking to not just destroy their competition, but effectively to silence people who are supporters of the president online," Domenech told Fox News' "Fox & Friends" on Sunday.
Domenech pointed to Amazon, Google, and Apple in removing Parler from their platforms after the storming of the Capitol Building this week.
"You wouldn't want to see, in a capitalist system, cutting off customer bases or undermining them, preventing them from accessing your products," Domenech said. "But that really doesn't take on as much power as an argument when you've got control of 99% of the market as you do within Apple and Google controlling the dominant portion of the OS market for phones.
"I think people are basically saying, 'Fine, go build your own phone network, go build your own operating system, go build your own app store,' which is, of course, a ridiculous thing to argue," he continued. "But it's also one of the things I think big tech is going to be doing more and more of in the coming months as they crush not just the president himself, but a lot of his supporters and everything that they run to and every app that they go and find as a substitute for this."
This reeks of Chinese Communist Party strategy, he added.
"What you're really seeing here is big tech doing what the Constitution prevents the government from doing: an enforcement of a social standard in America," he said.
"It's very akin of what you have in terms of a social credit system in China. It's just that over there, the rules are kind of clear. Here they can change the terms of service whenever they want. None of the standards actually are actually serious. They really come down to, 'If we don't like you, we're going to get rid of you and we’ll find a reason for why.'"