A new video attacking President Barack Obama's "walk back" on promises that Americans could keep their health plans and doctors under Obamacare was released on Thursday by House Speaker John Boehner's office.
"With endless stories of canceled policies and higher premiums exposing Obamacare for the train wreck it is, Democrats are right to be worried," the
Ohio Republican's office said in a statement accompanying the video.
The "Truth-O-Meter" video lasts just over a minute and features recent Obama statements on the issue, then rating them as "true" or "false."
"Recently, he’s added an asterisk to his oft-repeated promise that Americans could keep the health plans they liked, claiming that promise only applies to plans in place before the law was signed," Boehner's office said in the statement. "But with no less than 36 examples of the president saying otherwise, our latest video demonstrates his walk back is 'a whopper.'"
House Republicans next week will debate legislation that will allow Americans to keep their current health plans into next year.
"No matter how hard he tries to spin it, the president made a promise to the American people — and House Republicans are giving him a chance to keep it," the statement said.
Referring to the White House's refusal to grandfather a variety of healthcare plans into Obamacare before it was passed, Boehner's office added: "The president already passed on the chance to keep his promise once. He owes it to the 3.5 million Americans who are losing their healthcare plans not to make the same mistake again."