Reports show it was mostly African-American voters who were targeted in North Carolina's election scandal, Rep. Cheri Bustos, D-Ill., the newly elected Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chairperson said Thursday, and efforts are underway to make sure every vote is counted.
"We have a little bit of time to get this figured out, but we've got to get to the bottom of it," Bustos told MSNBC's "Morning Joe."
"Our most solid base of support as Democrats is in the African-American community. So, everybody in North Carolina, whatever community you come from, needs to make sure they have confidence in the electoral system and every vote is counted, and it appears there's something very fishy in North Carolina."
Members of the state's Board of Elections and Ethics Reform have declined unanimously to certify the state's 9th District race and will not allow Republican Mark Harris, who defeated Democrat Dan McCready in North Carolina's 9th District in November's elections, to be seated after fresh evidence of illegal "vote-harvesting" by the his campaign surfaced.
Bustos won her own election in a Trump state, and said her victory was the "common sense of politics."
"You show up, your use your two ears and mouth," she said. "I'm one week into this chair job right now of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, but I would say in the next two years what we Democrats have to do is punch our way back into the hearts of working families."