Chris Cuomo's 14-year-old son, Mario, has contracted coronavirus, just three weeks after his father tested positive for the virus, according to wife Cristina's Instagram post.
“This virus has created a different version of me. My hope is to be stronger, healthier, smarter about the virus at large,” Cristina wrote in an Instagram post. “After 10 days of ups and downs, feeling good one-day and terrible the next, I am now working hard to get my son, Mario, through the virus.”
This Monday, the CNN host and brother to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced he was leaving his basement quarantine after he and his wife were given a clean bill of health by the CDC.
However, this was not without controversy; a bicyclist called out Cuomo last week for breaking the New York stay-at-home order.
“I said to him, ‘Your brother is the coronavirus czar, and you’re not even following his rules — unnecessary travel,'” the bicyclist said.