Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., on Tuesday slammed CNN for reporting Venezuelan politician Juan Guaidó, who declared himself president in January, is attempting a "coup" against the current regime of Nicolas Maduro.
Guaidó, who has the support of the United States in his claim to the presidency, said alongside opposition figure Leopoldo Lopez that this is the "start of the end of the usurpation." He called for a nationwide demonstration May 1, and tweeted he is "meeting with the main military units of our Armed Forces, beginning the final phase of Operation Freedom."
CNN reported later Tuesday that demonstrators had gathered at the air base in Caracas where Guaidó filmed the video, using the headline "Attempted Coup Underway in Venezuela."
Rubio tweeted:
"Just saw CNN shamefully call what is happening today in Venezuela a 'coup attempt' [Guaidó] is recognized as legitimate interim President of Venezuela by constitution, over 50 countries & OAS. The only coup is the one carried out by Cuba in support of dictator Maduro.
He added:
"Some of the most shameful reporting ever by CNN right now. Calling what is happening in Venezuela an 'armed coup.' [Guaidó's] efforts are supported by virtually every nation in the region. Grotesque."
A coup is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as "a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government," and by Merriam-Webster as "a brilliant, sudden, and usually highly successful stroke or act."