Sen. John Cornyn criticized President Barack Obama on Sunday for failing to do his job and negotiate with Congress to reopen the government in a sharp reminder that a monarch does not rule the U.S.
"The president has got to lead, and he's got to do his job," Cornyn told CBS's "Face the Nation."
"We rejected the concept of a king when our country was founded, and created three co-equal branches of government," Cornyn said.
"Now he says he won't negotiate on the debt, but what he needs to do is roll up his sleeves and get to the table," Cornyn said.
CBS host Bob Schieffer also interviewed Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, and said the two sides did not appear to be negotiating, but talking past each other.
House Speaker John Boehner insists there are not enough votes to reopen the government without concessions from Senate Democrats and the White House on changes to Obamacare, while Lew insists the votes are there.
"Why doesn't he put it on the floor and give it a chance?" Lew said.