Conservatives are furious that the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) is allowing Donald Trump to address its rank-and-file this Saturday,
Politico reports.
Many have ramped up eleventh-hour efforts to try to get the Republican presidential front-runner booted from the event being held in National Harbor Maryland.
Politico says a "top aide" to Sen. Marco Rubio has gone as far as charge the event's organizers with "being in the tank for Trump and clearing the way for his acceptance into mainstream conservatism."
The movement against Trump's CPAC appearance comes on the heels of the extraordinary press conference held Thursday by Mitt Romney, who
denounced the billionaire developer as a "phony" and a "fraud."
Trump's upcoming CPAC appearance comes amid reports he donated $100,000 to the annual political conference of conservative activists.
His campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, told Politico that while the real estate tycoon has donated to CPAC over the years, "nothing was asked for in return."