Two Senate Democrats asked Republican Sen. Ted Cruz to hold hearings about Donald Trump urging Russia to hack Hillary Clinton's email.
Judiciary Committee members Sen. Chris Coons of Delaware and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island wrote a letter to Cruz, who chairs the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Oversight, Agency Action, Federal Rights, and Federal Courts.
Talking Points Memo reported that the Democrats asked Cruz to look for statutes that might address the situation.
"We ask that you conduct an oversight hearing to determine whether existing federal criminal statutes and federal court jurisdiction sufficiently address conduct related to foreign entities that could undermine our elections," they wrote.
"The threat Russia poses to cybersecurity has long been recognized as a national security issue," they wrote.
The letter notes that some U.S. criminal laws may apply in the situation.
"Mr. Trump's comments implicate U.S. criminal laws prohibiting engagement with foreign governments that threaten the country's interests," the senators said in the letter.
The Democrats asked for an oversight hearing "to ensure the integrity of the presidential election and its insulation from Russian cyber threats," they said.
Former Vice President Dan Quayle's former communications director, Jeff Nesbit, wrote in Time magazine about Trump's ties to Russia, and pointed out that recent hacks look like they were set to benefit Trump's presidential campaign.
Cruz ran for the Republican nomination for president that Trump won. Cruz ended his Republican National Convention speech without endorsing Trump.