The Department of Justice has decided to review again Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server and her handling of classified information while secretary of state, the Daily Beast is reporting.
The focus of this new examination, according to the Daily Beast:
- How much classified information passed through Clinton's private server?
- Who transferred that information into an unclassified area, and how?
- Which investigators knew about the issues and when?
- What, if any, immunity agreements Clinton aides struck?
The decision to reopen scrutiny into Clinton's emails comes in the aftermath of President Donald Trump accusing his own law enforcement agency of being part of the deep state for not investigating reported mishandling of classified info by former top Clinton aide Huma Abedin.
Trump, of course, has constantly beaten the drum for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to reopen an investigation into Clinton.
"People should be encouraged that the new leadership at the Justice Department is actually interested in a nonpartisan, above-board Justice Department that treats every citizen equally," Mark Corallo, former DOJ spokesman in the George W. Bush administration, told the Daily Beast.
"It's about time they're doing a review of this whole mess," Corallo said.
And the predictable retort from Clinton's side.
"The Justice Department should not be opening itself up to the perception that it is bending to political pressures from the White House," former Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon told the Daily Beast.
"The Justice Department is supposed to operate independently of the White House, and even if this is just a perfunctory step that they're taking to try to appease the president, that in and of itself is an abuse of the DOJ authority," Fallon said.