Tennessee Rep. Diane Black Tuesday slammed President Barack Obama for his support of Planned Parenthood and said that the undercover videos exposing the sale of fetal body parts will help Americans understand why the organization needs to lose its federal funding.
"We have a president who is in love with Planned Parenthood," the Tennessee Republican told former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin in an interview for One America News. "The only way that we’re going to get the people of the country to understand truly what’s happening is to win their hearts and minds.
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"That’s what we’re doing with these videos is that we’re allowing people to see this is not a blob of tissue," added Black, a former nurse who is among many Republicans calling for defunding Planned Parenthood. "They are now seeing that if you are trying to harvest a brain, a heart, a lung, you don’t get that from a blob of tissue — you get that from a baby."
In the latest video by the Center for Medical Progress, a biomedical company executive callously admits to how
her company ships intact fetuses from abortion providers.
"There is no reason in this world why we should be giving that kind of money to an organization that really is the biggest abortion provider in the entire country when there are other agencies … that have to compete with Planned Parenthood for those dollars," Black told Palin, the 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate. "It is ludicrous."