Donald Trump admitted in a newly released interview he has a hard time apologizing, a relevant fact in the wake of his public spat with Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly.
Hollywood Reporter story discusses Trump's presidential campaign.
Two weeks ago, Trump took issue with Kelly's line of questioning during the first Republican presidential debate. He later said of Kelly, "You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. Blood coming out of her wherever."
During the ensuing public spat, Trump has stood by his comments, saying he meant nothing by them while also claiming Kelly's questions were unfair. Others, like
Fox News' anchor Shepard Smith, have come to Kelly's defense and said she was simply asking a "relevant question."
Trump told the Hollywood Reporter he finds it "very difficult" to apologize.
"People say, 'He won't apologize for anything' — well, I was right on illegal immigration. [John] McCain blew it because he's done a poor job of taking care of the veterans," Trump said. "And then the third element so far, you had Megyn Kelly, and I think you've seen what happened with that.
"I feel quite confident in my position. At the same time, I believe in apologizing. But to apologize for me is very difficult," Trump said. "I definitely would apologize if I were wrong on something."
When asked to recall the last thing he apologized for, Trump said, "It was too many years ago to remember. I have one of the great memories of all time, but it was too long ago."
Later in the Hollywood Reporter interview, Trump said the whole thing has been "fun."
"With Megyn Kelly, I was talking about blood coming out of the eyes, then the nose and the ears because it's a very common saying. I never even finished the sentence," he said. "And then [when many people assumed I meant her menstrual cycle], I said only a deviant would think that. So to be honest, the whole subject was fun.
"Would you ever see a subject covered like that? Over nothing? On something I never even said?"
stock is surging in the polls, with the results of a new survey showing he is just 6 points behind Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton at this point in the campaign.
It was reported this week that
Trump said Clinton's campaign won't last, as she is embroiled in a scandal stemming from her use of a private email address and server during her time as secretary of state (2009-13).