Donald Trump leads the Republican presidential field in North Carolina, according to a new
Public Policy Polling survey.
Trump's momentum "just keeps on building," the PPP says on its website, though the poll found Trump drags the bottom of the GOP field among those who could likely beat Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton.
Still, Trump leads the GOP field in North Carolina with 16 percent, followed by Jeb Bush and Scott Walker at 12 percent each; Mike Huckabee at 11 percent; Ben Carson and Marco Rubio at 9 percent; Rand Paul at 7 percent; Ted Cruz at 6 percent; Chris Christie at 5 percent; Carly Fiorina at 4 percent; Rick Perry at 2 percent, Lindsey Graham, Bobby Jindal, and Rick Santorum at 1 percent; and John Kasich and George Pataki at less that 1 percent.
Bush led the four previous PPP poll for North Carolina.
On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton has dropped slightly from the last poll but still is far in front with 55 percent. Bernie Sanders has 20 percent, Jim Webb, 7 percent, and Lincoln Chafee and Martin O'Malley 4 percent each.
For the general election, those leading Clinton are Huckabee at 49/45, Walker at 47/43, Carson at 47/44, Rubio at 47/46 and Paul 46/45.
Trump trails Clinton 47/44, Christie 46/43, Bush 45/43 and Ted Cruz 47/46. Clinton and Fiorina tied at 45 percent.
PPP surveyed 529 registered voters, 288 Republicans and 286 Democrats July 2-6. The margin of error for the overall survey is +/-4.3 percent, and for each of the primary subsamples is +/-5.8 percent.