Surging GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump has topped rival Texas Sen. Ted Cruz in his own state, a new poll shows.
The San Antonio Express-News notes Trump polled at a lowly 2 percent two months ago in a University of Texas survey of local Republicans, while Cruz dominated with 20 percent and former Texas Gov. Rick Perry held second place with 12 percent.
In the recent poll commissioned by the Texas Bipartisan Justice Committee and conducted by Gravis Marketing, Trump pulled in 24 percent support among registered Republicans in the state – pushing Cruz, with 16 percent, into the No. 2 spot.
In third place is Ben Carson, at 12 percent. Jeb Bush follows in fourth place at 9 percent. Carly Fiorina and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio tied at 5 percent, while Perry dropped to 4 percent – at the back of the pack with Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and Mike Huckabee, the Express-News reports.
Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul didn't rate a mention at all, the Express-News reports.
Over the summer, Perry has repeatedly targeted Trump,
especially over immigration, yet the former Texas governor
is struggling to raise money.
Texas will hold its primary
on March 1, a Super Tuesday on which 11 other states either hold caucuses or primaries.