Donald Trump ripped Republican presidential rival John Kasich on Twitter Thursday after a super PAC released ads charging that Trump and Ben Carson were not qualified to respond to Paris attacks and other world events and that "on-the-job training for president does not work."
The developer was brutal in some of the 12 tweets:
The ads, paid for by New Day for America, include images of Trump and Carson next to President Barack Obama while a narrator ticks off high-profile international developments, including the 2012 Benghazi attacks and beheadings by Islamic State terrorists.
"Our lives depend on a commander-in-chief with experience who understands the world," the narrator says.
Kasich, long at the bottom of national polls, has contrasted his experience in Congress and as Ohio's current governor with that of political novices Trump and Carson.
The ad is entitled "Commander in Chief" and is part of a $6.5 million ad buy that will be running in New Hampshire through early February,
CNN reports.
Here are some of Trump's other tweets slamming Kasich: