Donald Trump's top 10 vice presidential picks likely include influential lawmakers, a few governors and a former primary rival,
according to The Hill.
Citing unnamed sources, the political news outlet reports even though an announcement from the presumptive nominee about his running mate is probably still weeks away, speculation is coalescing around the following 10 GOP heavyweights:
- Ohio Gov. John Kasich, whose national profile, experience and popularity in an important swing state, and federal budget and armed services acumen are prime assets, though he told CNN last month he's not inclined to aspire to being Trump's No. 2.
- Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker offers upper chamber experience as well as foreign policy experience as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
- Tennessee GOP Rep. Marsha Blackburn, who is a frequent critic of Hillary Clinton, and has health policy experience, though she lacks foreign policy credentials.
- Retired pediatric neurosurgeon Ben Carson, a popular national figure with deep roots in the evangelical communities, but who is also known for his brutally honest assessments of the nominee.
- Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin, who has executive experience and could lift Trump's poor polling with women around the country, but who lacks national name recognition.
- New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, an early booster for Trump and a similarly blunt speaker who has fundraising experience but who's polling poorly in his own state.
- Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst, a younger politician with appeal to women voters and whose alliance with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell that could be an important asset on Capitol Hill.
- Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who has a long personal history with Trump — and is both media savvy and remains well-connected on Capitol Hill
- Former Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, who is another blunt-speaking politician with experience and credibility with women voters, though she lacks national name recognition.
- Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, a conservative ally in the Senate who supports the nominee's positions on immigration and trade, and who leads Trump's national security working group.