Reps. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., and Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, want President Donald Trump to throw out war crimes changes against three military combat veterans.
The two congressmen called for presidential action in a column posted on the Fox News website on Friday.
"The three brave Americans who stepped forward to defend our country are: former Army 1st Lt. Clint Lorance, former Army Green Beret Maj. Matt Golsteyn, and former Navy SEAL Special Operations Chief Eddie Gallagher," they noted.
The congressmen pointed out that Trump said he is keen to act on the cases before Veterans Day, which is Monday.
"Every commonsense, patriotic American would undoubtedly celebrate the dismissal of all the charges against Lorance, Golsteyn and Gallagher," Hunter and Gohmert wrote.
And they noted reports that said "Pentagon leaders believe presidential intervention would be 'damaging to the integrity of the military judicial system.'"
"What these Washington elites fail to acknowledge is that the military justice system has neglected our nation's warriors time and time again," the House members said. "President Trump's instincts to act on their behalf are further proof of his tireless commitment to our rank-and-file men and women in uniform.
"We and other members of the Congressional Justice for Warriors Caucus stand wholeheartedly in favor of dismissing the charges against the three former service members.
"These three men are American heroes who have been accused of crimes during combat far from our shores, when they were risking their lives on behalf of the rest of us here at home.
"The three deserve our gratitude and thanks."
Gallagher was found not guilty of murdering an ISIS fighter in July, but he was convicted of posing with the dead prisoner's corpse. The Navy reduced his rank from chief petty officer to 1st class petty officer, according to Fox News. Golsteyn is charged with premeditated murder the 2010 death of a suspected Taliban bomb maker in Afghanistan. Lorance is serving a 20-year sentence for ordering soldiers to shoot two suspected Taliban scouts, the news network reported.