The owner of an Arkansas gun range has banned Muslims from visiting her facility.
Calling it a "Muslim-free zone," Jan Morgan, the owner of the Gun Cave Indoor Firing Range in Hot Springs, Ark., said she will no longer allow Muslims on the premises.
"Why would I want to rent or sell a gun and ammunition to someone who aligns himself with a religion that commands him to kill me?" Morgan wrote in a blog post that has since been removed from
her website. Several media outlets reported on the post before it was deleted, including
The Blaze.
Morgan cited concerns for public safety in her decision, which she says is backed by the government.
"I will do whatever is necessary to provide a safe environment for my customers, even at the cost of the increased threats and legal problems this decision will likely provoke," she wrote.
"The ATF informed us when we received the [federal firearms] license that if we feel any reason for concern about selling someone a firearm, even sense that something is not right about an individual, or if we are concerned about that person's mental state, even if they pass a background check, we do not have to sell that person a gun. In other words, a federal agency has given us this kind of discretion for service based on the nature of the business. I can and have turned people away if I sense an issue with their mental state."
Morgan added that two Muslim men visited her range last week and had what she called "Allahu Akbar" ringtones on their cell phones, according to The Blaze.
"They spoke very little english, one did not have proof of U.S. citizenship, yet they wanted to rent and shoot guns," Morgan wrote. "Their behavior was so strange, it was unnerving to my patrons. No one would enter the range to shoot while they were there. Some of my customers left."
A Louisiana restaurant owner drew headlines last week when he announced
he would offer a 10 percent discount to anyone who came to his restaurant armed.